Our brains are visual - a new concept rendered with a picture can be digested in a fraction of the time compared to a verbal or written description. Consider the classic example of road signs - our highly visual brains will more quickly grasp a concept rendered pictographically, rather than strictly in writing.
Dual coding has advanced our understanding of visual learning as a necessity rather than a nice-to-have, as even a simple icon or pictogram, when paired with a concept in writing, will “stick” in a student’s mind far more effectively than the written concept alone. The Importance of Visual Learningĭual Coding Theory, first coined by Allan Paivio, recognizes that learners absorb information more easily - and can better retrieve it later on - when they’re given both verbal and visual cues to “encode” a concept in their minds. Each of these Google Slides templates can be duplicated for editing, or simply browsed for your own inspiration. We’ve created a suite of simple, icon-loaded education templates to print or use digitally. Now, as teachers around the world shift to remote learning, piecing together lesson plans and materials for virtual classrooms can be even more challenging. The use of visual aids in education has proven vital for classrooms since time immemorial, from preschool through senior year.
Educators have always been faced with a daunting but heroic task: breaking down key concepts to make lesson plans both memorable and engaging enough to hold students’ attention.