If you do not follow the stringent requirements, then you are out 100% of your money.Furthermore, in order for you to get back that tiny percentage, you would have to meet very strict requirements within certain time limits.The truth is that you are charged a fee at a high rate initially and you only get a small portion of your money back. If you read the fine print beyond the flashy website pages, you will find out that by very clever smoke and mirror technique the truth is being concealed from you.Here is the real scoop on the so called 100% Money Back Guarantee Offers on the Internet by some companies that claim " If your traffic ticket is not dismissed then you get 100% of your money back, so you have nothing to lose": READ ABOUT SOME OTHER 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE OFFERS TO FIGHT TRAFFIC TICKETS ON THE INTERNET - GET THE REAL SCOOP 4% Shipping handling Bank/Transaction Fee.Please note the 100% money back guarantee does not apply to the following services: You will still get our 100% money back guarantee of $99 ($49 for cellphone ticket). Please note that opting for a rush service does not disqualify your eligibility for our money back guarantee. YES, IT IS THAT SIMPLE | NO FUSS | NO HASSLES | NO AGGRAVATION Once we verify the information, we will issue 100% ($99) refund to you in 5 business days.
Just send us the court decision letter (form TR-215) within 30 days of the date on the decision letter showing you were found guilty and the ticket was not dismissed in the trial by written declaration.HERE IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO TO GET YOUR 100% REFUND: WATCH OUT FOR BAIT & SWITCH WORDING IN 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE OFFERS BY OTHER COMPETITORS. No follow up court trial (trial de novo) required - Other competitors require for you to do trial de novo (court trial) before they give you any refund.We also make it very simple for you to get the refund from us: IF YOUR TICKET IS NOT DISMISSED WE WILL REFUND YOU $99 WE HAVE ONE SIMPLE FLAT FEE FOR OUR SERVICE! ONLY $99 YES, WE OFFER $99 SERVICE FEE WITH 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF YOUR TICKET IS NOT DISMISSED, see below: We do not have any gimmicks or hidden fees such as filing fees or documentation fees or processing fees.